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Major Components of a Projector/RPTV Lamp

Projector Lamp Experts have designed some detailed diagrams to help explain the major components of an average projector and RPTV lamp.

There is often confusion with customers over the difference between a lamp, burner, module and connectors - all of which are important parts to understand when purchasing a projector lamp. Some companies do not sell the complete lamp module which can cause frustration and confusion for customers. This section will explain the different components of a projector lamp and what to look out for.

Typically when the Audio Visual and IT industry refers to a "projector lamp" they are actually talking about a complete projector lamp module (rather than the bare lamp), which includes at a basic level a bare lamp which includes a burner and reflector (usually made by Osram, Philips or Ushio), plastic module housing (often called a cage), and connectors. Please refer to the diagram below.

Replacement Lamp Module Image

The Burner/High Intensity Discharge Bulb is place inside a reflector creating a lamp. The lamp is then placed inside a housing or cage specifically designed for the projector or RPTV. The lamp is then connected to the projector via connectors.

Replacement Lamp Module Components

Below is an image of a projector lamp housing without a lamp or connectors inside:

Projector Lamp Housing

When looking at a bare lamp in detail there are several major components: The front glass, the burner (also known as a high intensity discharge bulb), and the reflector. Bare lamps are often sold on the open market, requiring the customer to install the bulb into their used module. We do not recommend this process to our customers, hence we only sell complete projector lamp modules for easy installation.

Bare Lamp Components

Light is emitted when metal halide atoms in the High Intensity Discharge bulb (burner) are excited by an electrical discharge between two electrodes in the bulbous midsection of the bulb.

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