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Toll-free phone : 1-866-773-7770

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discounts on projector lamps for education and government
save money with Alternative Projector Lamps
Volume Discounts available on Projector lamps We are an official NEC master reseller for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Download our Genuine Lamp Checklist

Please download this free projector lamp checklist to see if the lamp you are looking at buying is an OEM original lamp or a compatible lamp. Some resellers in our opinion, do not clearly identify their products as compatible, so this checklist is a useful tool to help you make an informed buying decision. If you have any questions about buying projector lamps please call us at 1-866-773-7770 or email us at

This checklist should be used as a guide only. We encourage you to ask the reseller directly if they are selling you an OEM Original Lamp (the one that came with your projector) or a Compatible Lamp. If they are selling you a Compatible lamp make sure you know the risks. Watch this video on Genuine and Compatible Projector Lamps.

Projector Lamp Experts | toll-free: 1-866-773-7770 |

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